Friday, May 9, 2014

My band's album is finally getting released this month! :D

Alright, my band's first full-length album is finally getting released within the month! :D For those of you who don't know about it, I'll give you some background...

So, a few years ago a life-long friend of mine(drums) and his dad(guitar/vocals) started a music project called "Government Hate Mail". XD Epic name, right? Anyways, not long later my dad got wind of it and was asked to play guitar in the group as well. Soon after that I figured I'd volunteer to play bass, since that was the only instrument left available, and they were totally cool with me joining the group. :D
The songs "First Rage", "Cry Baby", "Lights Off Reality", "Zippo", "Watch What You Wish For" and "Follow Me anyway" were already written by the time me and my dad joined, so we had enough songs to play live shows or just practice in our little jam-room together. But my dad always likes to bang out tunes left and right while just sitting at home and sometimes just waiting for us to plug our instruments in, and before long the songs "Punch Face", "Y", "Lofolow", and "Zombieland" were created.
So in March of 2013 we started recording our full-length album in a studio run by Kevin Nettleingham of "Nettleingham Audio". And now we're done. :D

So that's the story, and now the entire album is available for Pre-order, so check the link:

Thanx for checking us out! :D

Thursday, May 8, 2014

My close call

I could have died a couple nights ago. O_O

Me and two of my bros(Otto and Solomon) wanted to put on our creepy masks and film some creepy stuff in a small woods near a school when it was dark. We'd been there several times in the past, but hadn't gone together in the dark before. But right when we were about to leave our dad told us(somewhat angrily, because we didn't inform him earlier) that he didn't want us running around in the woods in the dark.

Obviously we were mad, and didn't understand why he wouldn't let us go since we were bringing flashlights and stuff. Now that I think about it now the whole escape sounds a little stupid.

The next morning there were 2 cougar sightings in the same vicinity where we were planning to go have fun in. O_O


Now I'm QUITE glad we didn't go...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Monkey Man strikes again(with his side-kick, The Clown).

Have I told you guys about The Monkey Man before? Well, if not, I'll fill you in.

The Monkey Man is... Well... Me. :D

I bought a monkey mask several years ago and have used it to terrify and stupefy people ever since. I've taken on the alter-ego of "The Monkey Man" and use that identity to stir fear in the hearts of the lawless. :D

Epic, right?

Anyways, my brother Solo and I decided to put a note on the window of a car parked in front of a fire-hydrant near our residence. To contain our identity, he donned his creepy clown mask, and I donned my Monkey Man outfit. We circled the complex of Townhouses we live in before approaching the car so that anyone watching wouldn't see that we live literally 10 yards away from the vehicle, and then stuck the note under the car's window-shield-wiper. The note contained something of this nature: "Don't park in front of a fire-hydrant again, OR ELSE." <-- Something like that.

After that, we ducked around the corner of a complex garage, ran down a small hill, wrapped up our get-ups into a bundle, and then walked back home very un-suspiciously.

Job well done, I say.

Here's a vid of the experience, but I dramatized it just a tad. XD

The Monkey Man sighting <--link to the vid