Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I got an AMP!!!

I got a Marshall JCM 900 head, with a 4x12 Peavey cabinet yesterday. I am soooooo stoked! Right now it doesn't have a distortion pedal or anything, so it doesn't sound very metal, but I'm planning on getting a metal muff pedal soon, and with that it'll make the amp scream. \m/ \m/

Me being dorky next to the amp...  :)

I apologize for the pink chair on the right, and the monkey hanging on the

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Music Video

My band is planning on making a music video! It's gonna have lots of cameras all over the place from all sorts of angles, all professional like, so it looks like it's gonna be awesome!

(our band's called Government Hate Mail, btw, here's our facebook page, my dad runs it:   Me on bass, my dad on guitar, a friend of mine on drums, and his dad on guitar and singing.)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

2nd song name

I've started the second song for my album. It's called "Death from Above". Sounds killer so far to me, hopefully other people will think so, lol.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bar across my upper jaw...(Dang!)

I got a metal bar set up on the roof of my upper jaw yesterday. It's meant to widen my jaw out, 'cause my jaw's so narrow. The problem is that the bar kinda gets in the way of my tongue a lot, so I sound a good deal like Sid the Sloth. :)  The bar also makes it much harder to eat with, as you can probably imagine.


Saturday, January 12, 2013


Today is saturday. In case you haven't heard.

I'm working on writing the first song on my album. It's gonna be called "Genocide". Going fairly smooth so far, hoping to slap down at least 8 songs or so.

enjoy your sunday!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Tomorrow's saturday.

Tomorrow's saturday. YAY! Love Saturday.

In other news, I'm working on writing my own music...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Still alive...

hangin' in there. Teeth still hurting. I've been learning the songs "Ashes in your mouth", "Burning Bridges", "Dread and the Fugitive Mind", and "The Right to go Insane", by Megadeth on my guitar...super fun.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I got my braces on today....Geez, they're hurting right now as I type. They're such a hassle to eat with, I have these little rubber bands that hook my upper and lower jaw together, so I have to remove them every time I eat and then brush like crazy, and then I replace the bands. I can't wait 'till the two years of wearing this device is over....but man, there's gonna be a major difference. I'll just have to listen to more Megadeth, to ease the pain, lol. 


Hey, finally got around to making a blog. I'm not much of a writer, but I still wanted to make one, just for fun. I also figured I'd create a little "About me" post, so here goes...

I'm 16 years old (I'll be 17 in march) and I'm massively fond of metal music. My favorite band so far is Megadeth. They have so many awesome songs, I just can't get enough of 'em. My 2nd favorite band is Metallica, the "greatest metal band of all time". Metallica also wrote awesome songs too. My 3rd favorite band is probably Flyleaf...I think.
           Playing guitar is one of my most favorite things to do. I've been working like crazy to learn Megadeth songs. My guitar is electric, and is an ESP Explorer, and let me tell ya, it is rad. I usually string it with 10-gauge strings because, to me, they seem to be a more manly size, lol.
           I've obviously got long hair. I might be getting it trimmed soon, 'cause the hairs are splitting a lot, which looks pretty stupid.
           I wear black. Period.
           My favorite foods include mexican enchiladas, chips and salsa, burritos, tacos, pasta, and pizza. I'm not a huge veggie fan.
           Well I guess that's pretty much it.

\m/ \m/ cya

First post.

first post. Bwa ha ha...