Saturday, September 7, 2013

My interview with Bethan L.

Metal15: Hey, Bethan, What's up?

Bethan: Hey, nothing much, just been doing some work for next week when I begin school. 

Metal15: Cool, how's the weather there in Britain? :D

Bethan: Well..........................One day it's freezing. And then the next it's like the desert!!!!!!!!!!

Metal15: XD Hehe

Bethan: The British are famous for complaining about the weather, though. :)

Metal15: LOL. That weather sounds similar to my area. XD

Bethan: Haha. British weather is very unpredictable. 

Metal15: Yah. Ok, question #1, (and this may be a toughie) what experiences have shaped your personality and your outlook/worldview on life?

Bethan: Well, this is a hard question but I would have to say my faith in Christ and my relationship with him. Every decision I make comes back to him and whether it's a right or wrong decision. Sometimes I feel like I stumble through situations but when I ask for his wisdom and guidance they definitely have an impact on how my life is shaped. I also think my time at Tupton Hall School has shaped my personality because experiences at that school taught me a lot. I had my first boyfriend there and I had experienced my first break-up which was heart-breaking but changed how I saw relationships and what they should be and also taught me a lot about myself. I also met my best friend there, and have learned to cope with a range of situations. :)

Metal15: Sorry about your break-up. :( That sux. But hopefully your gain in a best friend made up for that somewhat. :) Charlotte rawks. XD

Bethan: I know, lol. :)

Metal15: Question #2, what are your views on God? And do you believe he's watching you 24/7?

Bethan: I believe that he is my sovereign lord who loves me more than I could imagine. I believe that he gives us salvation and the kingdom of God as a gift and that we can't earn it. And yeah, I do believe he watches us 23/7, nothing is hidden from him, remember Jonah who tried to hide from God? Well it didn't work out too well, did it? He's all around us all the time!!!!!!!! :D

Metal15: YAY! :D *High-fives*

Bethan: Haha. :D

Metal15: Ok, question #3, do you believe in Heaven and Hell? If so, what are your basic opinions on that subject? 

Bethan: I believe that Heaven and Hell are very real and to put it simply and bluntly, if you accept Jesus as lord and savior and accept that you can't live without him, then you're going to Heaven, if you don't, then you're going to Hell.

Metal15: Yep. That sux for those who don't. :(

Bethan: Yeah.

Metal15: Question #4, do you believe in "Predestination", and that every action and decision you make has been "Predestined" and known by God? This question is HIGHLY controversial, I've noticed.

Bethan: I suppose. I mean, I believe that everything is in God's control.

Metal15: Right. But is everything predestined? There are verses in the Bible that talk about people predestined to do stuff for God's will, but I think some people kinda ignore those verses or claim that they're being used out of context or something. 

Bethan: Yeah. Well, I'm kinda neutral on the subject I suppose, but all I'll say is that I strongly believe that God is in control of everything and nothing can happen without him allowing it.

Metal15: Roger that. :D Question #5, do you believe in pre-marital abstinence? Please explain your views. Also highly controversial. XD

Bethan: Well I believe that our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit and that we should treat it with respect and that waiting till you're married is the right way. If God wanted us to sleep with someone other than our husband or wife then why is it possible to catch sexually transmitted diseases if you sleep with multiple people? It's not how God intended us to live. 

Metal15: I agree completely. America doesn't, though. :P

Bethan: Yeah, well we live in a sinful world.

Metal15: Yeppers. Question #6, do you believe in dating? GF/BF?

Bethan: Yeah. It's kinda necessary if you wanna get to know the person.

Metal15: Totally. Plus I'm sure it's fuuuun. XD

Bethan: :)

Metal15: Alright, that's it with the controversial stuff, now to some more-casual questions. :D Question #7, do you have a favorite band/musical group? I might be able to guess what it is, though... :D

Bethan: Haha. Yeah my fave band is Led Zeppelin.

Metal15: Oh. O_O I was wrong. 

Bethan: They literally make me proud to be british.

Metal15: Haha.

Bethan: I love rock, but not much that verges into metal, sorry. 


XD No.

Bethan: Haha.

Metal15: Jkjkjk

Bethan: Haha. :D

Metal15: Ok, question #8, do you have a favorite song of all time?

Bethan: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's a difficult one.

Metal15: I know. Hehehe.

Bethan: I'd have to say Kashmir by Led Zeppelin. It was the first song that I became completely obsessed with when I was 12. :)

Metal15: Huh, cool, I don't think I've heard it, though... *Looks it up on Youtube*

Bethan: Haha.

Metal15: It almost sounds like it has some stringed instrument playing in the background of the song. Is that right?

Bethan: Yep. Or it might be John Paul Jones on the synthesizers, lol.

Metal15: Ah, ok. I like synth stuff in music.

Bethan: :)

Metal15: Question #9, do you have a favorite book series?

Bethan: Easy... Lord of the Rings.

Metal15: Haha, I had a feeling... ;)

Bethan: :)

Metal15: Which one of the books in the series is your fave?

Bethan: Ooooooooooooooooooh...erm...........The Return of the King. It has the most awesome battle. 

Metal15: I haven't even read the books all the way through. o_O Obviously I need to do that.

Bethan: Lol

Metal15: Ok, question #10, what's your favorite movie/movies?

Bethan: Haha, Lord of the Rings all the way, hahahaahah. :)

Metal15: Shweet. Of the three movies, would Return of the King still be your fave?

Bethan: Yep. :) Although I love the scene in Two Towers when Gandalf comes to save the day with the Rohirrim.

Metal15: Yep. Epic-ness in it's true form. :D

Bethan: Yep.

Metal15: Although it's a miracle all those horses didn't trip and fall running down that STEEEEP slope. O_O

Bethan: IKR?

Metal15: That would have been the biggest landslide of men and horses you'd ever see. XD

Bethan: Hahaa. Aragorn would have been like woop woop the rohirrim are here and then he'd be like ohhhhhhhhhhh crap!!!!!!!!!!!

Metal15: LOL. XD Then the Uruks would probably run anyway, to avoid the landslide. XD

Bethan: Haha, yeah totally.

Metal15: Hehe, anways...Question #11, do you have a personal site? After this interview people might be thinking "Whoa, this girl is awesome, I wanna check out her blog/twitter/facebook/website..." etc.

Bethan: Haha, no, just my google profile:

Metal15: Ok, that's cool. :)

Bethan: Cool. :)

Metal15: Alrighty, final question...How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? O_O

Bethan: Haha. Dunno. I'll leave that for you to answer, lol.

Thanx a lot, Bethan, and have a great rest of your day! \m/ \m/

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