Monday, June 17, 2013

Camping pics

Alright here's some pics from my camping trip. These aren't ALL the pics that were taken, I'll see if I can get some more up another day, but here's some of the best ones:

                                                          On the way to the campsite

                                                          My dad taking creative pics. :D

Me and my Dad in the light of the fire

My dad and my brother Solomon

My brother Otto

From left to right: My little sister Olivia, Solomon, me, and Otto

                                            Otto with the happy cup. :D (you can see my feet)

Otto, Olivia, me, and Mom

A flower

We hiked over to the Fish Hatchery nearby:

                                                          Me, Otto, Mom, and Solomon

Pics of the fish:

Me, my dad, and Otto(but you can barely see him behind dad) walking around the town of Sisters.

Back at the campsite:

    My brother Otto made a couple stick-men to burn in the fire. *evil chuckle* but we only got around to burning the one on the right.

   Dad, Mom, Henry and Otto(And Solomon, you can see his hand holding the triomino on the right) playing triominos. With me posing behind them, of course... :D

                                                                        Same people

                                                                        The guitar

                                                          Me and my sister riding bikes

                                                      All of us (With my dad making a face, lol)

And that's it for now. :D


  1. Haha! xD

    Nice stick people! ;)

    - A.S. (myself)

    1. Haha! I'll let him know that you liked 'em. :D
