Friday, October 18, 2013

My interview with J. Maes

Metal15: Hey, dude, what's up?

J. Maes: Nothin' much. How's you?

Metal15: Also nothin' much, just typing up this blog post. XD How's the weather?

J. Maes: A mite cold, but quite nice, really.

Metal15: Just so that the readers know, what country do you live in? (If I may ask...)

J. Maes: You may ask. I live in Adelaide, Australia! Ney, actually in the U.S. Pity, I wish I was living there...

Metal15: What life experiences have shaped your personality and your outlook/worldview on life?

J. Maes: Wow, that's a loaded question worthy of a loaded answer. The biggest learning curve I have ever gone through was when a girl friend (notice the separation of the two words) disappointed me and when she shredded every last bit of optimism I had up to that point. It was horrific, suicidal, and crazy. And to be honest, none of it was my fault at all. No joke. That's why I have a site---so I can rant and rave.

Metal15: What are your views on God? And do you believe that he's watching you 24/7?

J. Maes: Yeah, pretty much. I mean, He's outside of space and time, so 24/7 is nothin'. 5th dimension? I dunno...

Metal15: Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? And if so, what are your basic opinions on that subject?

J. Maes: Yes, I do. I believe that if you believe that (:P) Jesus died for your sins and that God flippin' made you, and that you do the work that He designed you for, I think your'e good. Of course, it isn't cut-and-dry like that, but I also do believe in hell. I hate when someone has the bumper-sticker: IT'S YOUR HELL, BURN IN IT! That's how America and several other places have portrayed Christians, as Holy Rollers and jerks, and whatnot, so I do know it exists; I just don't force it on people because I dare you to find one Scripture that says to tell people that they are going to burn eternally if they don't 'fess up. Good luck with that.

Metal15: Do you believe there is such a thing as "Predestination", and that every action and decision you make has been "Predestined" and known by God?

J. Maes: Yep. Wait, didn't I say that He's outside of time and space? He can rewind or fast-forward to whenever, mate! No worries there. But yes, I do.

Metal15: Do you believe in premarital abstinence? Explain your views?

J. Maes: Yes, I do. No sex until marriage. But I can tell you that I have been in more than one circumstance where it was right there and forced on me and I rejected it respectfully. So, yeah, no sexual relations until marriage, but marriage at the moment is not a priority, and I don't think it will be, perhaps ever.

Metal15: Do you believe in dating? BF/GF?

J. Maes: In a way. Honestly, I'm sort of after a girl now. If that sounds weird, that's because it is. I think that if your'e going to invest in someone like that, you better be ready and meaning to invest for good, because that's a big piece of yourself to give away, and a big piece to take, if you can understand that; I dunno. I'm a fan of old-style where you hold the flippin' door and take off coats and take a glob of street-gutter mud in your face so she doesn't get it. They call it courtship and it is not so free-and-whatever as the dating mentality. No hopping, just one. I have a sticker on my dresser (or desk, either one) that says "One Person Only". I guess that could mean that girl or even God. I wrote it, and I don't even know what I'm talking about. So yeah...

Metal15: Do you have a favorite band/musical group?

J. Maes: At the moment, it's Howard Shore and Alt-J.

Metal15: Do you have a favorite song of all time?

J. Maes: Nope. To many good ones, and waaay to many bad ones.

Metal15: Do you have a favorite book series?

J. Maes: Lord of the Rings. What a ridiculous question...

Metal15: What's your favorite movie/movies?

J. Maes: Blade Runner with Harrison Ford---1983 and awesome.

Metal15: Do you have a personal site? After this interview people might be thinking "Whoa, this guy is awesome, I wanna check out his blog/twitter/facebook/website..." etc.

J. Maes: Yeah, but be forewarned---it's a bit rant-and-rave:

Metal15: And lastly...How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

J. Maes: The physical capacity of a North American woodchuck is not sufficient to "chuck" wood, so the question is therefore undefined, or no solution. Seeing that you wrote "if", I would have to give the reply: how much wood could you chuck if you could chuck wood? The physical limits of a 17-year old Caucasian male, and for that matter anyone, are means enough to throw wood at a minimum distance of approximately 3.2 meters.

Hehe, thanx Jesse, and have an epic day! :D