Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Saw Desolation of Smaug (WARNING: SPOILERS)

Yep. Saw it. And I was not entirely blown away.

Was it good? Yeah, I would say it was a good movie, I would see it again. Was it a fantastic movie? Yeeees, I guess you could say that. Was it extremely well made? The animation was pretty good, but I wouldn't say the plot/events that took place were well made.

Let me give you some background of my "Hobbit"familiarization. I've had the book read to me several times as a kid, and then I've probably read it myself. Along with that, I've seen the cartoon movie of the Hobbit countless times. So I've had a pretty good idea of how the story goes, and have been somewhat attached to the story, and am sensitive to change.

Desolation of Smaug was good, but...most of the events in the story that were so catchy and had impact in the book's readers seemed to be rushed in the movie. For instance, Mirkwood forest. They were in that forest for maybe...Ten minutes of the movie?? Or less??? The spiders were cool, but there was no conversing between Bilbo and the spiders. It was all just rushed so the movie could get to the action. And more action and more action and more action and more action. Which is kind of weird, I'll admit, because if a movie doesn't have much action then I typically don't enjoy it. XD And then Tauriel shows up... And I have a question relating to Tauriel... Why is she in this movie at all??? WHY??? She doesn't need to be there. All she does is just kill orcs in RIDICULOUSLY cheesy ways and fall in love with one of the dwarfs. She didn't need to be in the story. Another scene that wasn't rushed, but man oh man oh man oh man it was NOT in the book. The whole Smaug vs. Dwarfs fight scene. What the heck. It was crazy and action packed I'll give it that, but WHY? They just wanted to extend the movie another hour? I thought they were trying to make it look like a video game after a while, it was just: dwarfs evading Smaug, make it to a different level, run into smaug again, do something crazy, escape again... Ok, we get it. Smaug is too stupid to kill a few dwarfs. Smaug was cool, don't get me wrong, he was a killer dragon with an epic rumbling voice, but I dunno...

It was a good movie. I won't go through every detail of what I like or didn't like about it, but it was fun. :)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Been working out more

I've been working out MUCH more lately. :D One day I decided to be consistent about it, and just did 35 push-ups right off that bat. I decided that I would add one push-up each day. But after a couple days I realized that doing a little over 30 push-ups a day just wouldn't cut it. XD So I decided to do the amount in the morning, noon, and night before I go to bed. That felt a lot better. I'm on 49 push-ups now. :D A couple days ago I was talking to my boss and he recommended I do sit-ups as well, so now I'm doing 49 push-ups and 49 sit-ups in the morning, noon, and night. Tomorrow I'll be doing 50. :D It's going along beautifully. I'm sore, but it's a GORGEOUS kinda soreness. XD

It's only been about 15 days, but I'm already starting to feel/see some difference.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Saw Catching Fire

Last Saturday I went with one of my bros and one of my friends to go see CATCHING FIRE!!! :D It was killer. With a capital "K". All the characters were acted extremely well, and all the emotions portrayed were engaging. Excellent movie, I'd rank it possibly my #1 2013 movie. :D

Thursday, November 14, 2013

G'day to ya.

Sorry I haven't been updating my blog very often. I've been keeping busy getting videos rolling on my youtube channel. In case you haven't heard, I've been collaborating with my bros on the channel, and doing video game walkthroughs. :D It's been fun, and hopefully you people will enjoy it as much as we do.

Friday, October 18, 2013

My interview with J. Maes

Metal15: Hey, dude, what's up?

J. Maes: Nothin' much. How's you?

Metal15: Also nothin' much, just typing up this blog post. XD How's the weather?

J. Maes: A mite cold, but quite nice, really.

Metal15: Just so that the readers know, what country do you live in? (If I may ask...)

J. Maes: You may ask. I live in Adelaide, Australia! Ney, actually in the U.S. Pity, I wish I was living there...

Metal15: What life experiences have shaped your personality and your outlook/worldview on life?

J. Maes: Wow, that's a loaded question worthy of a loaded answer. The biggest learning curve I have ever gone through was when a girl friend (notice the separation of the two words) disappointed me and when she shredded every last bit of optimism I had up to that point. It was horrific, suicidal, and crazy. And to be honest, none of it was my fault at all. No joke. That's why I have a site---so I can rant and rave.

Metal15: What are your views on God? And do you believe that he's watching you 24/7?

J. Maes: Yeah, pretty much. I mean, He's outside of space and time, so 24/7 is nothin'. 5th dimension? I dunno...

Metal15: Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? And if so, what are your basic opinions on that subject?

J. Maes: Yes, I do. I believe that if you believe that (:P) Jesus died for your sins and that God flippin' made you, and that you do the work that He designed you for, I think your'e good. Of course, it isn't cut-and-dry like that, but I also do believe in hell. I hate when someone has the bumper-sticker: IT'S YOUR HELL, BURN IN IT! That's how America and several other places have portrayed Christians, as Holy Rollers and jerks, and whatnot, so I do know it exists; I just don't force it on people because I dare you to find one Scripture that says to tell people that they are going to burn eternally if they don't 'fess up. Good luck with that.

Metal15: Do you believe there is such a thing as "Predestination", and that every action and decision you make has been "Predestined" and known by God?

J. Maes: Yep. Wait, didn't I say that He's outside of time and space? He can rewind or fast-forward to whenever, mate! No worries there. But yes, I do.

Metal15: Do you believe in premarital abstinence? Explain your views?

J. Maes: Yes, I do. No sex until marriage. But I can tell you that I have been in more than one circumstance where it was right there and forced on me and I rejected it respectfully. So, yeah, no sexual relations until marriage, but marriage at the moment is not a priority, and I don't think it will be, perhaps ever.

Metal15: Do you believe in dating? BF/GF?

J. Maes: In a way. Honestly, I'm sort of after a girl now. If that sounds weird, that's because it is. I think that if your'e going to invest in someone like that, you better be ready and meaning to invest for good, because that's a big piece of yourself to give away, and a big piece to take, if you can understand that; I dunno. I'm a fan of old-style where you hold the flippin' door and take off coats and take a glob of street-gutter mud in your face so she doesn't get it. They call it courtship and it is not so free-and-whatever as the dating mentality. No hopping, just one. I have a sticker on my dresser (or desk, either one) that says "One Person Only". I guess that could mean that girl or even God. I wrote it, and I don't even know what I'm talking about. So yeah...

Metal15: Do you have a favorite band/musical group?

J. Maes: At the moment, it's Howard Shore and Alt-J.

Metal15: Do you have a favorite song of all time?

J. Maes: Nope. To many good ones, and waaay to many bad ones.

Metal15: Do you have a favorite book series?

J. Maes: Lord of the Rings. What a ridiculous question...

Metal15: What's your favorite movie/movies?

J. Maes: Blade Runner with Harrison Ford---1983 and awesome.

Metal15: Do you have a personal site? After this interview people might be thinking "Whoa, this guy is awesome, I wanna check out his blog/twitter/facebook/website..." etc.

J. Maes: Yeah, but be forewarned---it's a bit rant-and-rave: http://jayvsstudios.wordpress.com

Metal15: And lastly...How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

J. Maes: The physical capacity of a North American woodchuck is not sufficient to "chuck" wood, so the question is therefore undefined, or no solution. Seeing that you wrote "if", I would have to give the reply: how much wood could you chuck if you could chuck wood? The physical limits of a 17-year old Caucasian male, and for that matter anyone, are means enough to throw wood at a minimum distance of approximately 3.2 meters.

Hehe, thanx Jesse, and have an epic day! :D

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bought Megadeth DVD(On Blu-ray)

I bought the Megadeth Blu-ray yesterday. :D And hopefully I'll watch it later today. Gonna be KILLER!!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Megadeth DVD coming out tomorrow

So...Megadeth performed one of their most famous albums live from start to finish, last year. They filmed it, and now it's coming out on Blu-ray and DVD tomorrow!!! I can't wait!!!

Here's a demo of the live show:


Thursday, September 12, 2013


I forgot to post anything about this yesterday, sorry...

12 years ago on Sept. 11th, over 3000 people lost their lives during the terrorist attack by al-Qaeda.

May they never be forgotten.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Work today

So, my previous boss asked me to help him with some work today. What kind of work, you ask? Well, we needed to buff a concrete basement floor in one of the units of my complex today. Buffing involves using a machine(Called a buffer(Duh XD)) that kinda looks like this:

We cleaned the floor with a kind of chemical that's designed to...ah...kill nearly everything. XD So, after we mixed it with water and scrubbed the floor nice and thoroughly, we used a special kind of vacuum to suck the majority of the water left on the floor. After that was done, I had the grueling task of cleaning out a large cubby-hole(or hell-hole, whichever you wanna call it. XD) that was under the basement staircase, that was filled with cardboard, dirt, and nearly 10 pounds of cat dung. O_O And I couldn't just gingerly shovel it out with a long-handled shovel, I had to duck under the stair case and crawl into the hole and get all the garbage out of there with a little hand-broom and little dust-pan, making LOTS of trips. Not fun. Obviously I wasn't gonna crawl around in there with no protection, so I put on a full face respirator mask, a headlamp(It was dark), gloves, and a full body zip-up protection suit.

So yeah, that was un-cool.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Went to a show recently

Yep, da title says it all. :D I went to a show recently. This show had only two bands playing, which was a tad odd, because I'm used to going to shows where there's like 4 or 5 bands playing in one night. We got there a bit early so we could be near the front of the line:

                                                   My bro Otto, me, and my bro Solomon.

The first band was a band called "Royal Thunder". They were pretty decent, they were a three-piece, a dude on drums, a dude on guitar, and a girl on bass and vocals. :) Here's a pic of them playing:

Me looking evil...XD

                                                                   My bro Solomon

                                                 My bro Otto(Doesn't he look excited?? :D)

                                                      The 2nd band "Baroness" playing

                                                                Baroness going crazy

Singer/guitarist's wide stance. :D

And that's all she wrote. :) Or rather "he" wrote, in reference to me...

Saturday, September 7, 2013

My interview with Bethan L.

Metal15: Hey, Bethan, What's up?

Bethan: Hey, nothing much, just been doing some work for next week when I begin school. 

Metal15: Cool, how's the weather there in Britain? :D

Bethan: Well..........................One day it's freezing. And then the next it's like the desert!!!!!!!!!!

Metal15: XD Hehe

Bethan: The British are famous for complaining about the weather, though. :)

Metal15: LOL. That weather sounds similar to my area. XD

Bethan: Haha. British weather is very unpredictable. 

Metal15: Yah. Ok, question #1, (and this may be a toughie) what experiences have shaped your personality and your outlook/worldview on life?

Bethan: Well, this is a hard question but I would have to say my faith in Christ and my relationship with him. Every decision I make comes back to him and whether it's a right or wrong decision. Sometimes I feel like I stumble through situations but when I ask for his wisdom and guidance they definitely have an impact on how my life is shaped. I also think my time at Tupton Hall School has shaped my personality because experiences at that school taught me a lot. I had my first boyfriend there and I had experienced my first break-up which was heart-breaking but changed how I saw relationships and what they should be and also taught me a lot about myself. I also met my best friend there, and have learned to cope with a range of situations. :)

Metal15: Sorry about your break-up. :( That sux. But hopefully your gain in a best friend made up for that somewhat. :) Charlotte rawks. XD

Bethan: I know, lol. :)

Metal15: Question #2, what are your views on God? And do you believe he's watching you 24/7?

Bethan: I believe that he is my sovereign lord who loves me more than I could imagine. I believe that he gives us salvation and the kingdom of God as a gift and that we can't earn it. And yeah, I do believe he watches us 23/7, nothing is hidden from him, remember Jonah who tried to hide from God? Well it didn't work out too well, did it? He's all around us all the time!!!!!!!! :D

Metal15: YAY! :D *High-fives*

Bethan: Haha. :D

Metal15: Ok, question #3, do you believe in Heaven and Hell? If so, what are your basic opinions on that subject? 

Bethan: I believe that Heaven and Hell are very real and to put it simply and bluntly, if you accept Jesus as lord and savior and accept that you can't live without him, then you're going to Heaven, if you don't, then you're going to Hell.

Metal15: Yep. That sux for those who don't. :(

Bethan: Yeah.

Metal15: Question #4, do you believe in "Predestination", and that every action and decision you make has been "Predestined" and known by God? This question is HIGHLY controversial, I've noticed.

Bethan: I suppose. I mean, I believe that everything is in God's control.

Metal15: Right. But is everything predestined? There are verses in the Bible that talk about people predestined to do stuff for God's will, but I think some people kinda ignore those verses or claim that they're being used out of context or something. 

Bethan: Yeah. Well, I'm kinda neutral on the subject I suppose, but all I'll say is that I strongly believe that God is in control of everything and nothing can happen without him allowing it.

Metal15: Roger that. :D Question #5, do you believe in pre-marital abstinence? Please explain your views. Also highly controversial. XD

Bethan: Well I believe that our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit and that we should treat it with respect and that waiting till you're married is the right way. If God wanted us to sleep with someone other than our husband or wife then why is it possible to catch sexually transmitted diseases if you sleep with multiple people? It's not how God intended us to live. 

Metal15: I agree completely. America doesn't, though. :P

Bethan: Yeah, well we live in a sinful world.

Metal15: Yeppers. Question #6, do you believe in dating? GF/BF?

Bethan: Yeah. It's kinda necessary if you wanna get to know the person.

Metal15: Totally. Plus I'm sure it's fuuuun. XD

Bethan: :)

Metal15: Alright, that's it with the controversial stuff, now to some more-casual questions. :D Question #7, do you have a favorite band/musical group? I might be able to guess what it is, though... :D

Bethan: Haha. Yeah my fave band is Led Zeppelin.

Metal15: Oh. O_O I was wrong. 

Bethan: They literally make me proud to be british.

Metal15: Haha.

Bethan: I love rock, but not much that verges into metal, sorry. 


XD No.

Bethan: Haha.

Metal15: Jkjkjk

Bethan: Haha. :D

Metal15: Ok, question #8, do you have a favorite song of all time?

Bethan: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's a difficult one.

Metal15: I know. Hehehe.

Bethan: I'd have to say Kashmir by Led Zeppelin. It was the first song that I became completely obsessed with when I was 12. :)

Metal15: Huh, cool, I don't think I've heard it, though... *Looks it up on Youtube*

Bethan: Haha.

Metal15: It almost sounds like it has some stringed instrument playing in the background of the song. Is that right?

Bethan: Yep. Or it might be John Paul Jones on the synthesizers, lol.

Metal15: Ah, ok. I like synth stuff in music.

Bethan: :)

Metal15: Question #9, do you have a favorite book series?

Bethan: Easy... Lord of the Rings.

Metal15: Haha, I had a feeling... ;)

Bethan: :)

Metal15: Which one of the books in the series is your fave?

Bethan: Ooooooooooooooooooh...erm...........The Return of the King. It has the most awesome battle. 

Metal15: I haven't even read the books all the way through. o_O Obviously I need to do that.

Bethan: Lol

Metal15: Ok, question #10, what's your favorite movie/movies?

Bethan: Haha, Lord of the Rings all the way, hahahaahah. :)

Metal15: Shweet. Of the three movies, would Return of the King still be your fave?

Bethan: Yep. :) Although I love the scene in Two Towers when Gandalf comes to save the day with the Rohirrim.

Metal15: Yep. Epic-ness in it's true form. :D

Bethan: Yep.

Metal15: Although it's a miracle all those horses didn't trip and fall running down that STEEEEP slope. O_O

Bethan: IKR?

Metal15: That would have been the biggest landslide of men and horses you'd ever see. XD

Bethan: Hahaa. Aragorn would have been like woop woop the rohirrim are here and then he'd be like ohhhhhhhhhhh crap!!!!!!!!!!!

Metal15: LOL. XD Then the Uruks would probably run anyway, to avoid the landslide. XD

Bethan: Haha, yeah totally.

Metal15: Hehe, anways...Question #11, do you have a personal site? After this interview people might be thinking "Whoa, this girl is awesome, I wanna check out her blog/twitter/facebook/website..." etc.

Bethan: Haha, no, just my google profile: https://plus.google.com/u/0/115644711997434389956/posts

Metal15: Ok, that's cool. :)

Bethan: Cool. :)

Metal15: Alrighty, final question...How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? O_O

Bethan: Haha. Dunno. I'll leave that for you to answer, lol.

Thanx a lot, Bethan, and have a great rest of your day! \m/ \m/

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Went to see The Lone Ranger

I can't believe I went to see that movie...

I printed out a bunch of directions because I hadn't ridden there on my bike before, and the directions were a tad faulty...Thank GOD I had a phone. I kept calling my mom asking how to get to the theater from one crossroad I was at, and got there JUST when the commercials began, but realized I had no bike-lock. O_O

*Que insane Metal15 BELLOW*

I. Was. So. Pissed.

So I called and asked what to do, and my mom said to just lean it against the bike-rack and hope for the best. I suggested hiding it under a bush like I did when I saw Man of Steel, but when I did that my dad wasn't happy about it, for some reason. :/ So, I left it leaning against the bike-rack, hoping it wouldn't get stolen and bought my ticket and entered the auditorium. When I sat down, I felt the phone buzzing, so I had to get up and leave to answer it. It was mom, and she said that dad said that if I don't have the bike-lock then I need to come home.


 Me--> o_O

Lucky for my sanity, my mom suggested she drive over to the theater and drop off my bro to lock my bike up, then I could run out and take the key. Unfortunately, the movie had already started playing by this time. So, I chose to miss a few bits of the beginning of the movie, rather than come all the way home seeing nothing. So, after my mom and my bro came by with the lock and key, I was finally able to sit down and watch the movie. I'd only missed maybe 5 minutes of it total. It was great, I didn't think it would be bad(I had heard that it got some bad reviews), and thankfully it wasn't. :) So, after that I rode to a nearby "Kohl's" to get a shirt, but I'm no good at shopping for clothes so I decided to do it at a later date with my mom. So, I took out my directions to get home and found that these ones were ALSO slightly inaccurate. -_- At this point, I was really tired(I pedaled HARD on the way to the theater), and REALLY thirsty, and with practically zero food in my body. The only thing I'd eaten today was a few chips this morning. I was planning to go out to subway on the way home, but obviously that wasn't gonna work, 'cause the boggin' directions were wrong...


So I called mom again, and tried to communicate on the little old phone near the busy highway, saying lots of "What??"s and "Repeat that??"s. But after a while, I got some directions from her and managed to find a road that she told me I just needed to go straight on to reach the road that our townhouse was located on. Unfortunately this road went up...and up...and up. Too much up. I had to stop because my legs just couldn't do it, so while I was stopped, I called mom again to ask if I was still on the right track. I had difficulty speaking, however, because I was so dry. I was on the right track, so I kept going, lost my direction once, went back, called mom again, went the same way again, turned a few more corners, went straight, and BAM. Made it home.


Right off the bat I drank probably too much water and some bread with cream cheese, olives, and mustard. I was sooo hot and sweaty...and nearly dead.

I wonder if it was all worth it... XD

my movie started 45 minutes after noon(I left my house at noon) made it back home around 5 o' clock. O_O Stupid.

Highlights: It was a good movie, I'd see it again. And the bread with cream cheese was no subway sandwich, but at least it was food...

I think I'm gonna go eat some more food, cya...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hm...So yeah.

So yeah, I have a monkey mask. o_O As you may or may not have figured out by my blog header pic...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Another dinner

Went over to my other grandparents house for dinner tonight. :) I love them so much. Neither me(or any of my siblings) have EVER EVER EVER had an argument/cross-word with either of my grandparents. They're just the awesomest grandparents ever. :D No offense to anyone else's grandparents, but I'm sure every grandson/granddaughter feels that way, right? :)

My grandpa is over 80 years old, and yet he can still run around and chase my little cousin around the house. XD I love to listen to him tell stories about his younger days too. He's awesome.

My grandma serves people greater than any individual I've ever known. Whenever I see her she's always getting someone something to drink, fixing someone's dessert, cooking food or helping with my little cousins, so much so that I hardly ever see her eat! GOD BLESS HER, she's so incredible.

Friday, August 23, 2013


Went out to eat last night with my grandpa and the fam. We went to a mexican restaurant, my FAVORITE kind of food. :D

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


2000 views here on mah blog. Kewl. :D

Thanx for viewing my blog, dudes and dudesses. :D

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Our cello and female vocal recording session

Alright, here's some pics of our session recording some cello and female vocals for some of our songs. We added cello on 6 of our original 10 songs, and only 2 songs with female vocals. The girl playing cello is on the worship team for the church that I attend, and the female vocalist is our friend Christy who has been in a band with our singer in the past.

 Getting the cello set up

 Getting ready to record

 Hard to see, but from left to right: My mom, my bro Otto, Jim our singer, my bro Solomon, me, our drummer's brother Drew, and Kevin Nettlingham

 Christy(female background vocals), and my mom. <3

 Some of us started lining up our wallets keys knives and phones, then some others joined in... :D

 Jamie rockin' the cello. :D

 Drew(Look at that arm O_O), Jim, and Christy

 Christy getting her vocals down.

 More Christy. :)

And that's it. :D

Friday, July 19, 2013

Time...The Beginning

Another acoustic Megadeth cover. I like this song, I recently started listening to it. It has a relaxing atmosphere to it, and the lyrics are really poetic. :) Hope you like!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My cover of "The Disintegrators" by Megadeth

I recently started listening to this song, and realized that it's pretty killer. :D It's fast, has pretty simple riffs, a catchy tune altogether. Hope you like. :D

Pics from our video shoot last saturday

Alright here's some pics. :) Apparently the director wanted us to wear some makeup so that we looked like we'd just gotten in a fight, lol, which I can understand, I mean the song we were making the video for is called "Punch Face" :D . We filmed in a storage unit, which was a bit small, but still cool, I think it all worked out. :)

Setting up

 Jim(vocals guitar) getting some makeup

 Noah(drums) getting some makeup

 Jim with his fake black eye

 All ready to roll

 From left to right, my dad(guitar), Noah, Noah's bro(not in the band), Jim, and me. :D

I scrapped a lot of skin off my hand from playing bass wildly, lol. :D

And that's it. :D

Saturday, July 13, 2013

My band's music video

Me and my band are shooting for our music video in a couple hours. :D I hope it turns out...

Friday, July 12, 2013

Skillet "Rise" cover

Here's my cover of Skillet's "Rise". This album came out recently, if you haven't gotten it yet, go get it! :D

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Starting to work on some manga art

I've decided to practice drawing some manga stuff. :D I watched a vid on how to draw a manga girl on youtube, and followed along as best I could. I don't even remember the last time I'd drawn, lol.

Apologies for the sloppy hair and the crease crossing her face:

I obviously need more practice, but not bad for a rotten drawer. :D

Monday, July 8, 2013

A poem about one of the greatest inventions...iPods.

Here's the poem, which I just wrote on the spot:

An iPod is something I cherish
It's small and it's sleek, it looks kinda squarish.
Holds music and such, with incredible ease
A fine piece of work (wish they grew on trees...)
They come in all sizes, all colors and weights
They rock in your pocket, and in all the states.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

My interview with Stephanie

Hiya, Stephanie. :D

Metal15: First of all, what's up?

Stephanie: Life's fine, I think. Nothing too significant yet. But if there's any, I'll let you know. LOL :)

Metal15: How's the weather?

Stephanie: It is insaaaane. Sometimes it's scorching hot then all of a sudden, rain will pour down heavily. It's just unpredictable. Crazy. :|

Metal15: What country do you live in? (If I may ask...)

Stephanie: I'm somewhere from the east. Philippines, specifically.

Metal15: What life experiences have shaped your outlook/worldview on life?

Stephanie: Guess I have tons. But I'll share you this one. I was born into a christian family. I grew up learning that I should pray and read the bible every day, go to church every sunday, and all the usual christian stuff we know. It went sort of routinely. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't take time to learn what was wrong. 'Till I got into junior high, and I had my first relationship...with a lesbo. (yeah like I know, you're all giving me that odd stare with one eyebrow raised. ((Metal15: nooooo :)  )) Haha! Nothing too intimate happened, it was more of an emotional thingy. Promise!) Yes, I'm a christian and I got myself into that stuff. Yes, I knew it was wrong but you see, when we aren't that deeply rooted to the Word of God, even though we are Christians already, we can still get entrapped into Satan's pit holes. My parents learned about it and they were really disappointed about me. I asked God for forgiveness and I know he did forgive. Dude, everyone knows how merciful he is, right? But you know, sometimes though we already repented and like turned our backs 180 degrees from whatever sin it may be, still something like drags us back from doing it. And yeah, another similar incident happened and this time, with one of my closest girl friends. It was even harder because we were like considered "twins". Imagine this, we have the same taste for most stuff (music, food, even with crushes. Little did she know that I was already in love with her). I never told her about it coz it would just freak her out and apparently, she never approves to this kind of thingy. 'Till she started dating this guy and yeah, you could really tell it was super hurting for me. Before, I was the one whom she'd always had breakfast lunch and dinner with (since we got into the same company when we had our internship), I was the one waiting for her every day so we could hit the office together. Like we did everything together. But then when this guy entered, it was like my doomsday. I cried about this because I knew it wasn't right (like at the back of my mind, my conscience is fighting with my earthly thinking and stuff). But I guess God will always make ways to save us from sins. It's sort of a long story (apparently) but the bottom-line is, God is really good. My point is, ALWAYS keep ourselves guided by God's word. You can never go wrong with that. Trust me. :)

Metal15: What are your views on God? And do you believe that he's watching you 24/7?

Stephanie: My views on God? Haha do I need to explain this in theological way or what? LOL. He's the Alpha and Omega. He's my savior, the lover of my soul, my best friend, my Father. What else? And yep, he's defo watching us 24/7. Don't you just feel overly secured by that thought? That is just so sweet. Free lifetime protection and security. It's just unbeatable.

Metal15: Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? If so, what are your basic opinions on that subject?

Stephanie: Of course I believe in Heaven and Hell. Heaven is your ultimate destination when you already have accepted Christ Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. Well Hell, like this is your final destination if you haven't accepted Christ as your Savior. Like once you're in Hell, there's no way out. So better accept Christ's free gift of salvation and eternal life before it's too late.

Metal15: Do you believe there is such a thing as "Predestination", and that every action and decision you make has been "Predestined" and known by God?

Stephanie: Yes. I really don't know much about this to be honest, but all I know is that God knows everything. He knows our future very well. Yes we do have our own free-will but yeah, still God knows our future. (I just didn't make any sense, did I?) ((Metal15: Actually, I think you summed it up QUITE well. :D ))

Metal15: Do you believe in Pre-marital abstinence? Explain your views.

Stephanie: Of course YES! Like this is the most special gift you can offer your partner in the future. Others say that staying "pure" until marriage is so cliche and just so traditional but it is one thing that I think we should ponder about. It's quite saddening that most people, even teens, are into premarital sex. Okay I may sound like your old mom preaching a lot about this but it just tears me apart to see these poor girls especially when they give their everything to a certain guy, then all of a sudden, the guy just vanishes and something like that. Not just a thing that teens must be reminded of, but I guess all ages. Stay pure and undefiled. Better to wait for God's perfect timing for that.

Metal15: Do you believe in dating? BF/GF?

Stephanie: Dating? I think so. Well, exclusive dating for that matter I guess. Just don't go beyond the limit. And date because you love each other, not just because it's like your past time and you're bored or whatever. Coz that's what I see with most dating couples out there. Definitely a wrong thing. When you date, you invest time and emotions and all that. I just don't really see the point why people date, get themselves into a relationship then when things start going wrong they just leave. It makes me frustrated seeing and hearing stories like this. That's why I think that when it comes to relationships, we should always let God take control of it. I know that he has already prepared that special someone for us. In His time, He'll let us know who that person is. So don't rush, enjoy life. But yeah, guess I'm okay with the dating stuff. But like what I've said, don't go beyond the borders. :)

Metal15: Do you have a favorite band/musical group?

Stephanie: Nothing in particular actually. Whatever my mood demands me to listen to, then I listen to it. Haha! But personal picks would be Christian music of course (Kutless, Starfield, Brandon Heath, Casting Crowns, Lifehouse, Skillet and others that would take too long to write lol), some stuff from the late 80's and 90's I guess. Just not rap.  <-----((Metal15: I'm sorry, I just felt the need to bold, underline, and enlarge those last few words... :D ))

Metal15: Do you have a favorite song of all time?

Stephanie: I don't really know to be honest. If a certain song suddenly speaks to me like "hey, this is your story. I am telling your story." then it becomes my fave song. So if you're asking me what are my favorites, there's a lot in my list. Haha! Well the song that I'm sort of inclined to now is "Stupid Boy" by Keith Urban.

Metal15: Do you have a favorite book series?

Stephanie: Nope. Nothing specifically. But I read, of course. :)

Metal15: What's your favorite movie/movies?

Stephanie: Titanic. *Then I can now sing my heart will go on* LOL

Metal15: Do you have a personal site? After this interview people might be thinking "Whoa, this girl is awesome, I wanna check out her blog/twitter/facebook/website..." etc.

Stephanie: LOL. Facebook I guess? https://www.facebook.com/cannegrey?ref=tn_tnmn And Google+ is https://plus.google.com/u/0/108724938990400356942

Metal15: And lastly...How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Stephanie: Hmm ... whuuuaaaaat? O.O

Thanx, Stephanie, and have a great day! :D

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy Independence day, people! :D I recorded myself playing the star spangled banner on my guitar. Sorry for all the mistakes, I didn't practice it much at ALL before recording it, which was NOT a good idea, lol. Anyways, here it is...


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A solo I'm working on...

So, I'm working on a really hard guitar solo from a song called "Am I Evil?" by the british band Diamond Head. What I'm playing is not up to speed, and when I switch from different parts you can tell I haven't practiced it enough, because I seem to pause in between, lol. Also, the finger-tapping part is wrong, as I found out later... *facepalm* But I'm still working on it, and hopefully I'll be able to learn the whole solo before long, and then I'll cover the entire song. :D Anyways, here's the solo as I'd learned it so far...

My "99 Ways to Die" Megadeth cover

Yet another cover:

My "Symphony of Destruction" cover

My symphony of destruction cover. One of the simplest songs to play ever. :D But I like it.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

GHM EP on Spotify

Hey, my band's EP of four songs that was released last year is now on Spotify!!! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Spotify, sign up for free here, and listen to different kinds of music ALL FREE: https://www.spotify.com/us/

When you've got it installed, just search "Government Hate Mail" and it should bring it up. Feel free to listen to it *cough* all you *cough* want... :D (PS, For every song-listen we get around half a penny... :D Just sayin'...lol)

Sunday, June 23, 2013


I was the only dude on the Church security team today. My church is one of the 14 "Mega" Churches that make up MARS HILL CHURCH here in the United States, with LOTS of men, women and kids, and it was being protected by single...solitary...17 year old.......me.



Kinda pathetic, lol. :D

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Me walking to the gym

                                            Me sitting on the shoulder-press machine :D

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My interview with Timothy Wong

Hey, Tim.

Metal15: First of all, what's up?

Timothy: Well I've been traveling a lot recently.

Metal15: How's the weather?

Timothy: Hot and muggy.

Metal15: What country do you live it? (If I may ask...)

Timothy: USA

Metal15: What life experiences have shaped your personality and your outlook/worldview on life?

Timothy: Attending my church, playing “Knights of the Old Republic”, being raised in a christian home, being homeschooled, and growing up listening to wide variety of music.

Metal15: What are your views on God? And do you believe that he's watching you 24/7?

Timothy: He is the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, sovereign creator, and, due to these qualities, does watch us 24/7.

Metal15: Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? If so, what are your basic opinions on that subject?

Timothy: Absolutely. In short, those who have been predestined by God and are his elect will join him in heaven for eternity, and those who are not elect will suffer in Hell.

Metal15: Do you believe there is such a thing as "Predestination", and that every action and decision you make has been "Predestined" and known by God?

Timothy: As mentioned above, yes. 

Metal15: Do you believe in premarital abstinence? Explain your views.

Timothy: Yes. Sexuality is a thing to be enjoyed by a husband and wife after marriage, and anything outside that would be considered either fornication or adultery.

Metal15: Do you believe in dating? BF/GF?

Timothy: It’s not my personal philosophy, if that’s what you mean. While I don’t have anything against that method or the people who follow it, I would rather follow a biblical courtship process.

Metal15: Do you have a favorite band/musical group?

Timothy: Now you've put me in a tough spot. While I don’t have any one favorite group or musician, some of my favorites include Joe Satriani, “Led Zeppelin”, Sam Cooke, and Enya.

Metal15: Do you have a favorite song of all time?

Timothy: It would probably have to be “Change is Gonna Come”.

Metal15: Do you have a favorite book series?

Timothy: Any book by David Eddings.

Metal15: What's your favorite movie/movies?

Timothy: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Princess Bride, and FF7 Advent Children.

Metal15: Do you have a personal site? After this interview people might be thinking "Whoa, this guy/girl is awesome, I wanna check out his/her blog/twitter/facebook/website…" etc.

Timothy: Yup, you can find me at: http://twebonhawk.blogspot.com/ 

Metal15: And lastly…How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Timothy: Yes.

Thanx, Tim, and have an awesome day! :D

Monday, June 17, 2013

Camping pics

Alright here's some pics from my camping trip. These aren't ALL the pics that were taken, I'll see if I can get some more up another day, but here's some of the best ones:

                                                          On the way to the campsite

                                                          My dad taking creative pics. :D

Me and my Dad in the light of the fire

My dad and my brother Solomon

My brother Otto

From left to right: My little sister Olivia, Solomon, me, and Otto

                                            Otto with the happy cup. :D (you can see my feet)

Otto, Olivia, me, and Mom

A flower

We hiked over to the Fish Hatchery nearby:

                                                          Me, Otto, Mom, and Solomon

Pics of the fish:

Me, my dad, and Otto(but you can barely see him behind dad) walking around the town of Sisters.

Back at the campsite:

    My brother Otto made a couple stick-men to burn in the fire. *evil chuckle* but we only got around to burning the one on the right.

   Dad, Mom, Henry and Otto(And Solomon, you can see his hand holding the triomino on the right) playing triominos. With me posing behind them, of course... :D

                                                                        Same people

                                                                        The guitar

                                                          Me and my sister riding bikes

                                                      All of us (With my dad making a face, lol)

And that's it for now. :D